Scientific papers

In accordance with its mission to support high level research in Belgium, the University Foundation provides financial support towards the publication in high level international journals of scientific papers which report on research in Belgian research groups. Financial support may be granted to partially cover the costs due by the author for illustrations, for page charges and for article processing fees, and for linguuistic control. 

Because the possible support is restricted to Belgian research groups, the regulations and application procedures are only available in French  and in Dutch.

Articles subsidized by the University Foundation

What follows is a list of articles to which a subsidy was awarded by the University Foundation. The titles are ordered by year of publication and by title.

Maria Papadopoulou et al.

Papadopoulou M. et al. (2020) Fetal public Vγ9Vδ2 T cells expand and gain potentcytotoxic functions early after birth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)

Vγ9Vδ2 T cells are a major human bloodγδT cell population thatrespond in a T cell receptor (TCR)-dependent manner to phos-phoantigens which are generated by a variety of microorganisms.It is not clear how Vγ9Vδ2 T cells react toward the sudden micro-bial exposure early after birth. We found that human Vγ9Vδ2T cells with a public/shared fetal-derived TCR repertoire expandedwithin 10 wk postpartum.

Claire Pelgrims

Pelgrims, C. (2020) Fetishising the Brussels roadscape. Journal of Transport History (SAGE), Vol. 41(1) 89–115

Abstract: This explorative paper is an attempt to improve understanding of the material infrastructure and subjective affective investments into it. Building on the concept of “fetish”, it proposes a theoretical framework to analyse the entanglement of the functional, sensitive and social symbolic dimensions of Brussels’ “modern roads” to reinforce and stabilise a social imaginary of fast mobility.

Marine Lehue & Claire Detrain

Lehue, M. & Detrain C. (2020) Foraging through multiple nest holes: An impediment to collective decision-making in ants, Plos One, 15(7): e0234526

In social insects, collective choices between food sources are based on self-organized mechanisms where information about resources are locally processed by the foragers. Such a collective decision emerges from the competition between pheromone trails leading to different resources but also between the recruiting stimuli emitted by successful foragers at nest entrances.

Isabel S. Schiller et al.

Schiller, I.S. (2020) Noise and a Speaker’s Impaired Voice Quality Disrupt Spoken Language Processing in School-Aged Children: Evidence From Performance and Response Time Measures. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research

Purpose: Our aim was to investigate isolated and combined effects of speech-shaped noise (SSN) and a speaker’s impaired voice quality on spoken language processing in first-grade children.
Amélie K. J. Mainjot & Caroline Charavet

Mainjot, A. K. J. & Charavet, C. (2020) Orthodontic‐assisted one step‐ no prep technique: A straightforward and minimally‐invasive approach for localized tooth wear treatment using polymer‐infiltrated ceramic network CAD‐CAM prostheses, Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry, 1-17,

Objectives To introduce a minimally invasive and simple ortho‐pros approach for localized tooth wear treatment.

Katharina Held, Vincenzo Davide Aloi, Ana Cristina Nogueira Freitas, Annelies Janssens, Andrei Segal, Julia Przibilla, Stephan Ernst Philipp, Yu Tian Wang, Thomas Voets, Joris Vriens

Held, K., Aloi, V. D., Nogueira Freitas, A. C. et al. (2020) Pharmacological properties of TRPM3 isoforms are determined by the length of the pore loop. British Journal of Pharmacology, Aug 11. doi: 10.1111/bph.15223

Background and Purpose
Transient receptor potential melastatin 3 (TRPM3) is a non‐selective cation channel that plays a pivotal role in the peripheral nervous system as a transducer of painful heat signals. Alternative splicing gives rise to several TRPM3 variants. The functional consequences of these splice isoforms are poorly understood. Here, the pharmacological properties of TRPM3 variants arising from alternative splicing in the pore‐forming region were compared.
Experimental Approach

Sophie Opsomer et al.

Opsomer, S. (2020) Resilience in family caregivers of patients diagnosed with advanced cancer – unravelling the process of bouncing back from difficult experiences, a hermeneutic review. European Journal of General Practice, 26:1, 79-85, DOI: 10.1080/13814788.2020.1784876.

Background: Despite the risk for developing mental disorders, most of advanced cancer patients’ family caregivers undergo a resilient process throughout the caregiving period. Research on resilience in caregivers of advanced cancer patients is scarce and further hindered by the lack of a univocal definition and a theoretical framework.
Objectives: To provide clarity on the concept of resilience by proposing an integrative view that can support health care professionals and researchers in conducting and interpreting research on resilience.

J. Bertels et al.

Bertels, J. et al. (2020) Snakes elicit specific neural responses in the human infant brain. Scientific Reports, 10:7443,

Detecting predators is essential for survival. Given that snakes are the first of primates’ major predators, natural selection may have fostered efficient snake detection mechanisms to allow for optimal defensive behavior. Here, we provide electrophysiological evidence for a brain-anchored evolved predisposition to rapidly detect snakes in humans, which does not depend on previous exposure or knowledge about snakes. To do so, we recorded scalp electrical brain activity in 7- to 10-month-old infants watching sequences of flickering animal pictures.

Sergio Altomonte, Joseph Allen, Philomena M. Bluyssen, Gail Brager, Lisa Heschong, Angela Loder, Stefano Schiavon, Jennifer A. Veitch, Lily Wang, Pawel Wargocki

Altomonte, S. et al. (2020) Ten questions concerning well-being in the built environment. Building and Environment 180, 106949.

Abstract : Well-being in the built environment is a topic that features frequently in building standards and certification schemes, in scholarly articles and in the general press. However, despite this surge in attention, there are still many questions on how to effectively design, measure, and nurture well-being in the built environment. Bringing together experts from academia and the building industry, this paper aims to demonstrate that the promotion of well-being requires a departure from conventional agendas.
Wendy Wauters

Wauters, W. (2020) The Origins of the Furnace Motif: From Magico-Religious Ritual to Early Modern Tale of MakeabilityJournal of Early Modern Christianity, 7(1): 85-110, DOI: 10.1515/jemc-2020-2015

The article delves into the fiery furnace motif and its evocations of the healing and makeability of men. Building on previous research conducted in religious history, art history and anthropology, a diachronic analysis of the textual and visual traditions of this motif is made. At its base lies the idea that the natural phenomenon of fire has a transformative power. This belief is present in several magico-religious rituals and in the visual imprint within Christian iconographical tradition. Both manifestations exist in conjunction and their evolution is intertwined.

Lars Costers et al.

Costers L.  et al.The role of hippocampal theta oscillations in working memory impairment in multiple sclerosisHuman Brain Mapping Vol. 42, Issue 5 p. 1376-1390.

Working memory (WM) problems are frequently present in people with multiple sclerosis (MS). Even though hippocampal damage has been repeatedly shown to play an important role, the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms remain unclear.

C. Pierson et al.

Pierson, C. et al. Tutorial: Luminance Maps for Daylighting Studies from High Dynamic Range PhotographyLEUKOS: The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society. DOI: 10.1080/15502724.2019.1684319.

In the field of lighting, luminance maps are often used to evaluate point-in-time lighting scenes from the occupant’s vantage point. High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography can be used to generate such luminance maps. The aim of this tutorial is to present a comprehensive overview of a step-by-step procedure to generate a 180° luminance map of a daylit scene from a sequence of multiple exposures with semiprofessional equipment and the Radiance suite of programs.

Dante M. L. Horemans et al.

Horemans, D. et al. (2020) Unraveling the Essential Effects of Flocculation on Large-Scale Sediment Transport Patterns in a Tide-Dominated Estuary, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 50 (7): 1957–1981

Sediment transport in estuaries and the formation of estuarine turbidity maxima (ETM) highly depend on the ability of suspended particulate matter (SPM) to flocculate into larger aggregates. While most literature focuses on the small-scale impact of biological flocculants on the formation of larger aggregates, the influence of the flocculation process on large-scale estuarine SPM profiles is still largely unknown. In this paper, we study the impact of flocculation of SPM on the formation of ETM.

Ludovic Troian-Gautier, Alice Mattiuzzi, Olivia Reinaud, Corinne Lagrost and Ivan Jabin

Troian-Gautier, L, Mattiuzzi, A., Reinaud, O., Lagrost, C. and Jabin, I (2020) Use of calixarenes bearing diazonium groups for the development of robust monolayers with unique tailored properties. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry (The Royal Society of Chemistry), Issue 19

Surface modification represents an active field of research that finds applications, amongst others, in the development of medical devices, sensors and biosensors, anti-biofouling materials, self-cleaning surfaces, surfaces with controlled wettability, corrosion resistance, heterogeneous catalysis and microelectronics. For some applications, surface functionalization with a nanometric-size monolayer is desired. In this review, efforts to covalently functionalize a wide array of surfaces with calixarenes bearing diazonium groups are described.

Sidney Leclercq & Geoffroy Matagne

Leclercq, S. and Matagne, G. (2020) ‘With or Without You’: The Governance of (Local) Security and the Koglweogo Movement in Burkina Faso. Stability: International Journal of Security and Development, 9(1), p.4. DOI:

In late 2014 and after more than two decades of a ‘semi-authoritarian’ regime, a popular insurrection in Burkina Faso led to the fall of Blaise Compaoré, president and leader of the ruling party. Due to — or parallel to — the political transition, factors of insecurity developed or were amplified, leading to a reconfiguration of the provision of security at two levels. At the central state level began a reflection around the governance model of security and the improvement of the practices of state security forces. At the local level, non-state security initiatives have multiplied.
