In Belgium the responsibility for education has been transferred to the Flemish and French Communities. The relevant rectors' conferences (VLIR and CRef), together with the corresponding Ministries, collect the data for their own parts of the country. The University Foundation uses the data collected by the two Communities to publish a statistical report covering the Federal Belgian State. This is no simple task because the organization of university education in the two Communities has been drifting apart. A comparison and synthesis of the Communities' data is contained in the yearly report of the University Foundation. This report is an interesting tool for national as well as for international purposes.
The format of the Statistical Reports has been adapted to the evolution of technical resources.
- Until 2000, the reports were published on paper, in book form.
- From 2001-2002 a switch was made to electronic carrier: CD-Rom and website.
- Since presently tablets, smartphones, and most PCs do not have a CD-ROM reader, the statistical reports are currently only available in electronic form on the website.
Starting from 2001-2002 the data are are availble in electronic form below. For earlier years the data are in bookform and can be consulted at the University Foundation.
Data collection on university student numbers
Data 2002: statistics 2001-2002 (diplomas 2001)
Data 2033: statistics 2002-2003 (diplomas 2002)
Data 2004: statistics 2003-2004 (diplomas 2003)
Data 2005: statistics 2004-2005 (diplomas 2004)
Data 2006: statistics 2005-2006 (diplomas-2005)
Data 2007: statistics 2006-2007 (diplomas 2006)
Data 2008: statistics 2007-2008 (diplomas 2007)
Data 2009: statistics 2008-2009 (diplomas 2008)
Data 2010: statistics 2009-2010 (diplomas 2009)
Data 2011: statistics 2010-2011 (diplomas 2010)
Data 2012: statistics 2011-2012 (diplomas 2011)
Data 2013: statistics 2012-2013 (diplomas 2012)
Data 2014: statistics 2013-2014 (diplomas 2013)
Data 2015: statistics 2014-2015 (diplomas 2014)
Data 2016: statistics 2015-2016 (diplomas 2015)
Data 2017: statistics 2016-2017 (diplomas 2016)
Data 2018: statistics 2017-2018 (diplomas 2017)
Data 2019: statistics 2018-2019 (diplomas 2018)
Data 2020: statistics 2019-2020 (diplomas 2019)
Data 2021: statistics 2020-2021 (diplomas 2020)
Data 2022: statistics 2021-2022 (diplomas 2021)