Welcome to the club

  • The complete progam of our club activities
  • Discover our Twinning Partners around the world
  • All you have to know about our ethical forums
  • Biermans-Lapôtre an international residence project

The University Foundation is the meeting place

  • for all academics in Belgium,
  • for academics and members of civil society,
  • for academics in Belgium, foreign academics and members of international organizations.

In elegantly furnished rooms members can meet colleagues and guests. In a pleasant reading room, daily and weekly newspapers, as well as scientific reviews, are available. 

The restaurant serves lunch with a varied menu to members and their guests. 

Our hotel has 12 attractive bedrooms for our Club members. The University Foundation organises numerous scientific, cultural and artisitic events for the Club members.

Below a list is given of the future academic and cultural activities organized by the Club of the University Foundation. For more information on a particular activity the reader is referred to the relevant Dutch or French section of the website.


We wish you a nice summer vacation.

Our Club is closed from July 22 until August 18.

On August 19, we are again at your service.Read more



The University Foundation regularly organizes academic activities and cultural activities for its members and other interested parties: lunch debates, evening lectures, visits to art exhibitions, music performances in Bozar, opera in La Monnaie... Most of these activities are organized in French and Dutch, sometimes, but rarely, only in French or only in Dutch. Therefore they are not explicitly mentioned on the English version of the website. The interested reader is referred to the French and the Dutch versions of the website for further information.Read more

In the series “Members have their say…” Professor Frederic Vermeulen (KU Leuven) comes to talk on Monday November 18, 2024, about his first historical novel "De heks van Gottem" (The witch of Gottem) (Publisher Lannoo, 2024); he enters into a dialogue with Professor Dick Harrison (Lund University, Sweden; author of over 105 books) whose book Heksenjacht (Witch hunt) was recently published. A story of fear, repression and misogyny (Omniboek, 2024). In English.
For more information and the registration form click on "Read more".

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The Ethical Forum 2024 of the University Foundation will be devoted to an exchange of views on the criteria for the appointment and the promotion of academic staff in the universities, with the title


The Ethical Forum 2024 takes place on Thursday, December 5, 2024 from 2 to 6 pm, at the University Foundation.
For more information the reader is referred to the EF website.

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On April 24, 2024 at 6 p.m. the University Foundation, in collaboration with the Royal Military Academy and the Egmont Institute, is organizing a debate (Dutch and Fraench) on the challenges for geostrategy and for world order in the international election year 2024. The debate will be introduced by Lt-Col Tom Simoens , RMA, Col (GS) Peter Philipsen, RMA, and Ambassador Ghislain D’hoop, FPS Foreign Affairs, with Prof. Dr Alexander Mattelaer, Egmont Institute, as moderator

For more information and for the registration form click "Read more".Read more

The next activity of Re-Bel is devoted to the important question "Belgium, a failed state? Unsustainable public debt". It will be held on Monday 11 March 2024 from 5 to 6.30 pm, concurrently at the University Foundation (11 rue d'Egmontstraat, 1000 Brussels) and online. The introductory panel consists of Thomas DERMINE, State Secretary Relance, PS, and Koen GEENS, ex-Finance Minister, CD&V. They will be challenged by Magali VERDONCK, ULB, and Damien PIRON, ULiège. The conversation will be moderated, as usual, by Béatrice DELVAUX (Le Soir) and Karel VERHOEVEN (De Standaard).

More information on the Re-Bel website.Read more


The University Foundation wishes you all a happy, joyful and peaceful 2024.Read more

In 2022 the University Foundation started a series of panel debates in its new “Speakers' Corner” series, which gives the floor to British speakers and speakers from the EU on UK-EU affairs. In cooperation with TEPSA, the Egmont Institute and the EU-UK Forum, the recent debate was on Wednesday December 13 at 6 pm (followed by a reception) The topic: INSIDE OUT: HOW “GLOBAL” IS THE UK’S FOREIGN AND DEFENSE POLICY AND HOW “GEO-POLITICAL” IS THE EU’S? is discussed by Lord  Ricketts, Ambassador Angelina Eichhorst en Baron Frans van Daele, and the discussion was moderated by Professor Dr Alexander Mattelaer.

The debate was followed by a reception.

More information: click "Read more" below.Read more

The latest Ethical Forum of the University Foundation was devoted to an exchange of views on the possibilities and the threats of AI and in particular ChatGPT for university education and research, with the title

ChatGPT and Co in higher education: to be cheered or feared ? 

The Ethical Forum 2023 took place on Thursday, December 7, 2023 from 2 to 6 pm, at the University Foundation.
For more information the reader is referred to the EF 2023 website.Read more

Wednesday May 31, 2023 ar 5 pm.: Debate on "The future of the International monetary system" at the occasion of the publication of the book "Robert Triffin: A Life” by Ivo MAES (Prof. UC Louvain). Debate with Eric de Keuleneer (Chair), Ivo Maes (Robert Triffin Chair, Université catholique de Louvain), Jacques de Larosière (former Managing Director of the IMF), Peter Praet (former member of the ECB Executive Board (tbc), Elena Flores (Deputy-Director General, DG ECFIN, European Commission), Francesco Papadia (former Director-General, ECB) . 

For further information click "Read more".below.Read more
