Woensdag 21 maart 2018 om 12.30 u.: Lunch-debat "Thirty years student mobility in Europe, thanks to ERASMUS" (in het Engels) met Mrs Sophia Eriksson,director for Youth, Education and Erasmus+ at the European Commission, en Prof. Dr. Jan De Groof, professor aan het Europacollege en aan de Universiteit van Tilburg.
The key element of the lunch debate concerns the higher education policy in the EU. A dynamic mobilisation of education is required to build a more united, inclusive, prosperous and democratic Europe. Which role can the EU play ? Will the necessary financial means be allocated to this policy ?
Erasmus (since 1987) has contributed, through student exchange programs, to a better understanding of the European Union, its history and diversity and to a raising awareness on the rights granted by European citizenship. Can Erasmus, as part of the higher education policy in the EU, become a homogenizing system in an ethnically and culturally diversified student population ?
These questions are equally important in the context of the ongoing financial discussions on the multi-annual budget 2021-2027 as well as in the Brexit negotiations.