Nov 18 2010
The University as a business: disaster or necessity?

Universities, we often hear, should both function and behave more like business enterprises. Is this a welcome trend that will free us from much waste, complacency and arbitrariness? Or is it a trend to be fiercely resisted because it would corrupt the very core of what a university should ambition to be?


(click here to download programme)


Part 1: 14.00 - 15.45

  • Keynote presentations:
    • Mathias Dewatripont, professor of economics at the ULB, chairman of the Solvay Brussels School of Business and Economics
    • Jo Ritzen (president of the Board of the University of Maastricht, former Minister of education for the Netherlands)
    • Prepared interpellations from the floor

Part 2: 16.15 - 18.00

  • Challenges: Bart Pattyn, director of the Centre of Ethics of the K.U.Leuven
  • Panel:
    • Andreu Mas-Colell, until recently secretary general of the European Research council, former minister of higher education for Catalonia
    • Yves Roggeman, member of the cabinet of the minister of higher education for the Communauté française Wallonie-Bruxelles, former vice-rector of the U.LB.
    • André Oosterlinck, chairman of the Associatie K.U.Leuven, former rector of the K.U.Leuven
  • Concluding remarks
    Philippe Van Parijs, UCL, KULeuven & Harvard, coordinator of the Ethical Forum. (document)