Articles Scientifiques

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Articles scientifiques, subventionnés par la Fondation Universitaire.

Ce qui suit est une liste d'articles scientifiques auxquelles une subvention a été accordée par la Fondation Universitaire. Les articles sont triés par année de publication et par titre.

Isabel S. Schiller, Dominique Morsomme, Malte Kob and Angélique Remacle

Schiller I., Morsomme D., Kob M. & Remacle A. (2021) Listening to a Dysphonic Speaker in Noise May Impede Children’s Spoken Language Processing in a Realistic Classroom Setting. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools Vol. 52, 396–408.

Purpose The aim of this study was to investigate children's processing of dysphonic speech in a realistic classroom setting, under the influence of added classroom noise.

Lorenz Demey
Demey, L. (2021) Logic-Sensitivity of Aristotelian Diagrams in Non-Normal Modal Logics. Axioms, 10, 128.

Abstract : Aristotelian diagrams, such as the square of opposition, are well-known in the context of normal modal logics (i.e., systems of modal logic which can be given a relational semantics in terms of Kripke models). This paper studies Aristotelian diagrams for non-normal systems of modal logic (based on neighborhood semantics, a topologically inspired generalization of relational semantics). In particular, we investigate the phenomenon of logic-sensitivity of Aristotelian diagrams. We distinguish between four different types of logic-sensitivity, viz.

Hannah De Moor

De Moor, H. (2021) Netherlandish carved altarpieces: a historiographic overview with a focus on Sweden in Journal of Art Historiography Number 25,

The first section of this article, (1) Moving away from an attributional methodology, will first examine the pioneers in the study of Netherlandish carved altarpieces. These pioneers were mostly Belgian scholars who conducted iconographic and stylistic research on the artworks. Over the past few decades, however, numerous researchers started to point out the pitfalls of the purely stylistic method. How this persistent stress on the identity of the producing artists had shifted attention away from other important questions is therefore also discussed in the first section. 
Clément Burgeon, Marc Debliquy, Driss Lahem, Justine Rodriguez, Ahmadou Ly, Marie-Laure Fauconnier

Burgeon, C., (2021) Past, present, and future trends in boar taint detection Trends in Food Science and Technology, Volume 112, 283-297

Boar taint is an unpleasant smell found in the meat of some uncastrated male pigs. This taint is often prevented by surgical castration without anesthesia or analgesia. However, this practice is an animal welfare concern. Production of entire males and immunocastration were suggested as alternatives. Ensuring that meat is untainted remains a priority for slaughterhouses. This has initiated research about the development of new boar taint detection methods. Most focus on detecting skatole and androstenone, two major contributors to boar taint.

Dr. Maurice Retout,Bryan Gosselin,Dr. Alice Mattiuzzi,Indiana Ternad,Prof. Ivan Jabin,Prof. Gilles Bruylants

Retout M., ,Gosselin B.,Mattiuzzi A.,Ternad I., Jabin I, and Bruylants G., Peptide-Conjugated Silver Nanoparticles for the Colorimetric Detection of the Oncoprotein Mdm2 in Human Serum, ChemPlusCjhem, vol.87, issue 4.

The development of efficient, reliable, and easy-to-use biosensors allowing early cancer diagnosis is of paramount importance for patients. Herein, we report a biosensor based on silver nanoparticles functionalized by peptide aptamers for the detection of a cancer biomarker, i. e. the Mdm2 protein. Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were produced and stabilized with a thin PEGylated-calix[4]arene layer that allows (i) the steric stabilization of the AgNPs and (ii) the covalent conjugation of the peptide aptamers via the formation of an amide bond.

Fatimata Nea, Michel Boni Bitchi, Manon Genva, Allison Ledoux, Alembert Tiabou Tchinda, Christian Damblon, Michel Frederich, Zanahi Félix Tonzibo and Marie-Laure Fauconnier

Nea, F., et al. (2021) Phytochemical Investigation and Biological Activities of Lantana rhodesiensis. Molecules 26, 846.

Abstract: Lantana rhodesiensis Moldenke is a plant widely used to treat diseases, such as rheumatism, diabetes, and malaria in traditional medicine. To better understand the traditional uses of this plant, a phytochemical study was undertaken, revealing a higher proportion of polyphenols, including flavonoids in L. rhodesiensis leaf extract and moderate proportion in stem and root extracts.

Margaux Colin, Lola Dechêne, Justine Ceusters, Ariane Niesten, Catherine Demazy, Laurence Lagneaux, Karim Zouaoui Boudjeltia, Thierry Franck, Pierre Van Antwerpen, Patricia Renard, Véronique Mathieu, Didier Serteyn

Colin, M., Dechêne, L. et al. (2021) Priming of mesenchymal stem cells with a hydrosoluble form of curcumin allows keeping their mesenchymal properties for cellbased therapy development Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine

Abstract : Mesenchymal stem cells are increasingly studied for their use as drug‐carrier in addition to their intrinsic potential for regenerative medicine. They could be used to transport molecules with a poor bioavailability such as curcumin in order to improve their clinical usage. This natural polyphenol, well‐known for its antioxidant and anti‐inflammatory properties, has a poor solubility that limits its clinical potential.

Guillaume Gilliard, Eloïse Huby, Sylvain Cordelier, Marc Ongena, Sandrine Dhondt-Cordelier and Magali Deleu
Gilliard G, Huby E, Cordelier S, Ongena M, Dhondt-Cordelier S and Deleu M (2021) Protoplast: A Valuable Toolbox to Investigate Plant Stress Perception and Response. Front. Plant Sci. 12:749581. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.749581.

Plants are constantly facing abiotic and biotic stresses. To continue to thrive in their environment, they have developed many sophisticated mechanisms to perceive these stresses and provide an appropriate response. There are many ways to study these stress signals in plant, and among them, protoplasts appear to provide a unique experimental system. As plant cells devoid of cell wall, protoplasts allow observations at the individual cell level. They also offer a prime access to the plasma membrane and an original view on the inside of the cell.

Farid Dahdouh-Guebas et al.

Farid Dahdouh-Guebas et al. (2021) Reconciling nature, people and policy in the mangrove social-ecological system through the adaptive cycle heuristic. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. Volume 248, 5 January 2021, 106942,

While mangroves are increasingly described as social-ecological systems (SESs), performing SES research is so much more than merely documenting locall resource utilisation patterns in case studies. The aim of this paper is to review and show how ecological, human and institutional resilience could be understood and fostered in an era of uncertainty, through the adaptive cycle (AC) heuristic. Uncertainties come in many forms and shapes: climate change, social and economic dynamics, natural disasters, political and institutional disruption and everincreasing public demands for participation.
Mouctar Sow, Myriam De Spiegelaere and Marie-France Raynault

Sow, M.; De Spiegelaere, M.; Raynault, M.-F. (2021) Risk of Low Birth Weight According to Household Composition in Brussels and Montreal: Do Income Support Policies Variations Explain the Differences Observed between Both Regions? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 7936.

Abstract: Variations in social policy between countries provide opportunities to assess the impact of these policies on health inequities. This study compares the risk of low birth weight in Brussels and Montreal, according to  household composition, and discusses the impact of income support policies. For each context, we estimated the impact of income support policies on the extent of poverty of welfare recipients, using the model family method.


Wauters, W. (2021) Smelling Disease and Death in the Antwerp Church of Our Lady, c. 1450-1559. Early Modern Low Countries, 1, pp. 17-39. DOI 10.51750/emlc10006

Abstract : Early modern societies were pervaded by smells and odours, but few traces have survived that offer a glimpse of the olfactory experience. This essay reconstructs this lost early modern ‘smellscape’, focusing on the smell of disease and death in the late medieval Antwerp Church of Our Lady (c. 1450-1559). Bustling cathedrals and parish churches could be a minefield of life-threatening odours, as there was a strong interaction between externally perceived body odour and a person’s inner sweetness.

Lucille Desbouys, Manon Rouche, Karin De Ridder, Camille Pedroni, Katia Castetbon

Desbouys, L., Rouche, M., De Ridder, K., Pedroni, C., Castetbon, K. (2021) Tenyear changes in diet quality among adolescents and young adults (Food Consumption Survey 2004 and 2014, Belgium) European Journal of Nutrition

Purpose To estimate the 10-year change in the overall nutritional quality of adolescent and young adult’s diet, as measured by the modified Nutrient Profiling System of the British Food Standards Agency individual Dietary Index (FSAm-NPS-DI) which funds the Nutri-Score development, and in different components of this score, overall and according to the individual characteristics.

Charlotte Descamps, Muriel Quinet, Anne-Laure Jacquemart

Descamps, C. et al. (2021) The effects of drought on plantpollinator interactions: What to expect? Environmental and Experimental Botany Volume 182, 104297.

Abstract : Current predictions suggest that in temperate zones climate change will increase the frequency of extreme events such as summer droughts, leading to deficit in water availability for ecosystems. Plants will more often experience water stress during the spring and summer. The effects of drought on plants in these systems have predominantly been studied in wind-pollinated crop species, focusing on vegetative growth or yield.

Stephanie Bourgeois, Toshiaki Sawatani, Annelore Van Mulders, Nico De Leu, Yves Heremans, Harry Heimberg, Miriam Cnop and Willem Staels

Bourgeois, S.; Sawatani, T.; Van Mulders, A.; De Leu, N.; Heremans, Y.; Heimberg, H.; Cnop, M.; Staels, W. (2021) Towards a functional cure for diabetes using stem cellderived beta cells: are we there yet? Cells 2021, 10, 191. 

Diabetes mellitus is a pandemic metabolic disorder that results from either the autoimmune destruction or the dysfunction of insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells. A promising cure is beta cell replacement through the transplantation of islets of Langerhans. However, donor shortage hinders the widespread implementation of this therapy. Human pluripotent stem cells, including embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells, represent an attractive alternative beta cell source for transplantation.

Manon Rouche, Maxim Dierckens, Lucille Desbouys, Camille Pedroni, Thérésa Lebacq, Isabelle Godin, Benedicte Deforche and Katia Castetbon

Rouche, M. et al. (2021) Twenty-Four-Year Trends in Family and Regional Disparities in Fruit, Vegetable and Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption among Adolescents in Belgium International Journal of Environmental research and Public Health, 18(9), 4408;

Abstract: Dietary habits are influenced by various determinants that may evolve over time. This study aimed to examine, among adolescents in Belgium, trends in the dietary habits between 1990 and 2014 and to determine changes in family and regional disparities related to diet during this time period. In the 1990, 2002 and 2014 cross-sectional “Health Behaviour in School-aged Children” (HBSC) surveys, food consumption was estimated using a short Food Frequency Questionnaire.
