The University Foundation is the meeting place
- for all academics in Belgium,
- for academics and members of civil society,
- for academics in Belgium, foreign academics and members of international organizations.
In elegantly furnished rooms members can meet colleagues and guests. In a pleasant reading room, daily and weekly newspapers, as well as scientific reviews, are available.
The restaurant serves lunch with a varied menu to members and their guests.
Our hotel has 12 attractive bedrooms for our Club members. The University Foundation organises numerous scientific, cultural and artisitic events for the Club members.
Below a list is given of the future academic and cultural activities organized by the Club of the University Foundation. For more information on a particular activity the reader is referred to the relevant Dutch or French section of the website.
The Club is at your service: restaurant, meeting rooms, hotel and activities...
For reservations at the restaurant, please contact
As to the hotel and the meeting rooms, please contact
This link shows what the UNiversity Foundation can do for you.Read more
The University Foundation regularly organizes academic activities and cultural activities for its members and other interested parties: lunch debates, evening lectures, visits to art exhibitions, music performances in Bozar, opera in La Monnaie... Most of these activities are organized in French and Dutch, sometimes, but rarely, only in French or only in Dutch. Therefore they are not explicitly mentioned on the English version of the website. The interested reader is referred to the French and the Dutch versions of the website for further information.Read more
The members of the Club of the University Foundation and their partner have been invited to the New Year's reception on Thursday January 30, 2025, at 5.30 pm.
The New Year's reception was introduced biy a talk by Cécile Dubois and Werner Adriaenssens on "Art Déco: 100 years in Brussels".
More information on the Dutch or French sections of this website.Read more
The recactivity of Re-Bel was devoted to the important question "Belgian vs. Flemish diplomacy. Conflict or Cooperation?". It was held on Thursday 16 January 2025 from 5.30 to 7 pm, concurrently at the University Foundation (11 rue d'Egmontstraat, 1000 Brussels) and online. The panel, introducing the theme, consisted of
- Axel BUYSE, former General Representative of the Government of Flanders at the Permanent Representation of Belgium at the EU,
- Johan VERBEKE, former Belgian Ambassador in London and Washington and Permanent Representative at the UN, who teaches at VUB and ULB and is a senior researcher at the Egmont Institute,
- Sofia VANDENBOSCH, postdoctoral researcher in Constitutional Law at Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law and affiliated researcher at UCLouvain.
The conversation (Dutch/French) was moderated, as usual, by Béatrice DELVAUX (Le Soir) and Karel VERHOEVEN (De Standaard).
More information on the Re-Bel website.Read more
The Ethical Forum 2024 of the University Foundation was devoted to an exchange of views on the criteria for the appointment and the promotion of academic staff in the universities, with the title
The Ethical Forum 2024 took place on Thursday, December 5, 2024 from 2 to 6 pm, at the University Foundation.
For more information the reader is referred to the EF website.
In 2022 the University Foundation started a series of panel debates in its new “Speakers' Corner” series, which gives the floor to British speakers and speakers from EU on UK-EU affairs. The recent activitey took place on May 15, 2023, at 6 pm and dealt with the question "The UK and the EU in a changing world. Time for a new departure?". Panelists are - Professor Anand Menon (King’s College London), Andy Bounds (lFinancial Times) and Stefaan De Rynck (Head of the Commission representation in Belgium and former senior adviser to BREXIT negotiator Michel Barnier). Moderator is Paul Adamson, chairman of the UK/EU Forum. Concluding re marks were formulated by Jim Cloos, SG of TEPSA and Senior Associate Fellow of the Egmont Institute. This activity was organized in collaboration by the University Foundation, the EU/UK Foundation, TEPSA (Trans European Policy Studies Association), and the Egmont Institute.
Debate iollowed by a reception.
Read more
The University Foundation has two new twinning partners : the « Koninklijke Industrieele Groote Club » in Amsterdam and the « Grémio Literário » in Lissabon.