«The city of tomorrow: reflections and proposals»

Third activity in the cycle of lunch debates on the theme «A World of Cities» which the University Foundation organises, in collaboration with "la Fondation pour l’environnement urbain Pierre Laconte", for the members of the Foundation and also for a larger public (faculties, economic, social and cultural organisations, ...). 

This debate was introduced by Paola Vigano.

Paola Vigano teaches at Harvard university and the university of Venice. With the recently deceased Bernardo Secchi she realized numerous urbanistic development projects in the world, also in Belgium (development plan for Antwerp, the project "SpoorNoord", the design of the city center of Kortrijk, and a vison on Brussels 2040). Se will dwell on the main ideas which underly her projects, her personal views on urbanism, as well as other ilmportant international views such as «Internationale Bau Austellungen»